Well . . .
I am updating on last night’s progress now because it was a rather eventful evening, to say the least and it left me feeling a bit more exhausted than usual.
Because I had swimming lessons yesterday afternoon with my daughter, I wanted to use something in my hair that would be a good treatment for working against the chlorine. I have been told that tomato juice is good for that.
So, I started off with a tomato juice wash. I’m thinking next Wednesday, I may mix some tomato paste to it, or blend up some tomatoes with something to make a paste so that it’s a thicker texture. Last night I just poured juice straight from the bottle onto my hair haha! It worked but it was extremely running (and cold!) and very messy.
Still, it was a fun experience and I will continue to use it each week after swimming to help fight any chlorine build up that may occur.
Once the tomato juice was all rinsed out and my hair was brushed, I proceeded to try the Shikakai and Cinnamon paste (or Shikakamon as it will now be known as).
All of this is on film, by the way and I will be editing and uploading the video some time tonight once the munchkin is asleep.
So I rubbed the “Shikakamon” paste into my hair, being very careful not to get any on my face or in my eyes or mouth and spread it all around and just let it sit for a while. It probably stayed in my hair/on my scalp for a few minutes – the length of time it took to rinse out the bottle I used to mix it in.
Just as I was about to wash it out, I could feel my skin starting to tingle...Then it started to burn.
I called for Josh to come in and turn the camera on and film it.
When I was out of the shower, I gave the Poisons hotline a call and they referred me on to Health Direct. While I was on the phone to the lady, a whole bunch of symptoms started appearing.
There was (in no particular order):
· The rash
· Burning skin
· Increased heart rate
· Nausea
· Headache
· Dizziness
· Stuttering
· Dry mouth
· Numbness in mouth/tongue
· Shakes
· Difficulty swallowing
Health Direct thought it best to send an ambulance to give me an assessment so I went and put some underwear on and sat on the couch while Josh began to frantically clean a bit while we waited.
When they arrived they asked me some routine questions, took note of my symptoms, checked my bloods, sugar levels, temp etc, everything checked out and everything seemed fine. No anaphylactic reactions here.
It was just a mild reaction and they said the symptoms should dissipate over the night.
By the time they left and all paperwork was finalised, the rash had pretty much cleared up and the symptoms were starting to ease.
The male ambo was a nice fella, friendly and polite. The woman ambo was a bit of a bitch! When Josh gave her the Shikakai box so they could see what it was she was like “so what is it?” I said “some kind of Indian spice...” she’s like “well did you at least google it before you put it all over your head?!” (Keeping in mind I’m sitting there in a fair amount of shock as I didn’t know what was happening to me) and I was like “well no, it was recommended by a few other people who have been using it and had no issues”. And she was like “oh well maybe next time you should do more research on new products before you use them like this!” pfft bitch!
And then she was like “so did you wash it all out of your hair?” and I said “well I was rinsing for a while so I think so...At least, I hope so” and she’s like “well you either did or you didn’t, none of this “hope so” business!”
WHAT THE EFF LADY? It’s a grainy product, I’m pretty sure I washed it all out but there may have been traces of it still in my hair but I am allowed to HOPE that I got it all! Stupid woman.
Anyway so once they all left and the rash had cleared and the nausea etc passed, I jumped back in the shower to finish what I’d started J
The last part of this treatment was to finish with Honey.
It was a bit gooey at first but then as I started to massage it into my hair and it warmed up it became easier to use.
I don’t think I had enough honey for my hair so next time I will use a lot more but it felt nice, in a sticky kind of way.
After my hair started to dry, I decided not to use coconut oil as I wanted to see the effects of the Shikakamon & Honey treatment.
This morning, my hair feels fantastic! It is so soft and clean and has a bit of a shine to it.
thats one expensive hair wash!!!!!!
Not really...If you think about it, looking at the price list a few entries back, the tomato juice, which will only get done once a week was only $2.49 but that was a large bottle, I can just buy a smaller bottle when that runs out.
And the Shikakai & Cinnamon, if I wasn't allergic, I would probably do that once a week.
The shikakai was only $1.99 and the cinnamon was $3.49 but that was a more expensive brand (a cheaper no name brand would shave a few bucks off the price) and given the amounts needed to make the paste, it would last for at least 2-3 months.
So with the products I bought, I only spent $7.97
Much cheaper than buying product off the shelf that wouldn't last as long as it would need to be used every 2nd or 3rd day.
Rather inexpensive if you think about it.
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